Setting the record straight: we’re working hard to get a deal with UFCW 1518

We have met with UFCW 1518 for 10 days of negotiation over the last several weeks. We are committed to getting a deal that will help save jobs.  That’s a fact.

We’re correcting the record because UFCW 1518 has been spreading misinformation.

Last week was the first point in negotiations where the union explained their proposals, many of which were not specific to collective agreement terms and conditions. Unfortunately, many of the proposals put forward by the union would increase costs and limit our ability to get our stores back on track.

It is no secret that our stores have been struggling. It costs us more to run our stores then it does for the competitors to run theirs. We can’t continue to operate this way. The union is aware that we must achieve real reductions to our labour related costs.   They have not put forward any proposals that will help achieve that.

We’ve agreed to continue bargaining next week with the understanding that we will begin discussions on specific proposals. We hope UFCW 1518 President Ivan Limpright or Chief Spokesperson, Gary Caroline will join us at the bargaining table so we can come to an agreement together.

We’re at the table to listen and discuss, but now is the time for action. We need to move forward toward an agreement that works for everyone. If we can’t achieve this quickly, the next step of the process will be a move toward final offer selection as laid out in our collective agreement.

March 9, 2018

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