Safeway Local Supplier Spotlight: Cornerstone Acres Ltd.
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As we continue to shine a well-deserved spotlight on the outstanding local products in our stores, we sat down with Alberta’s very own, Cornerstone Acres Ltd. We spoke to Amanda Knelsen, owner and operator, about her family’s journey to success (now available in 13 Safeway and Sobeys stores in Edmonton!) and the impact of Safeway’s support:

Share a little bit about your background and how your company came to be

Myself, my husband Tyler, and our four children own and operate Cornerstone Acres Ltd., formerly known as Cornerstone Gardens.  We started our farm in 2012 by growing produce and selling it at local Farmers’ Markets. Our attention to detail and high standard for quality, fresh produce allowed our farm to grow at a very quick pace and we have been expanding ever since. In 2018, we connected with Sobeys at their Local Supplier Road Show and turned our attention to growing green and yellow beans, which we are now supplying to 13 Safeway and Sobeys stores in the Edmonton area.

Tell us about Cornerstone Acres Ltd.’s products

We grow fresh green and yellow beans, with a focus on producing the highest quality products possible. We also produce potatoes, carrots and beets for a limited number of stores. This year we will also be supplying garlic and asparagus.

In what ways have your local roots impacted your business?

We have long believed that Canadians can be self-sufficient in most ways, and we believe in keeping things as local as possible. We believe that competition is vital to a healthy economy, and supporting small local businesses is a way to keep balance in a community. With this in mind, we strive to be the best that we can be in our field.

What growth has Cornerstone Acres Ltd seen since partnering with Safeway?

Our operations have nearly doubled in size after partnering with Safeway for only one year! We are looking forward to another significant expansion this year, too.

What are your biggest learnings since partnering with Safeway?

We have learned how to be more efficient in our operation. We’ve learned to focus on one product and to strive to prefect it, rather than focus on many products at once. Since we can focus on fewer vegetables at a higher quantity, we can be more efficient and pay even closer attention to the quality of the vegetables that we produce.

It has been a great learning experience for not only us, but also for our children as they take on more responsibilities.

What makes you most proud to partner with Safeway?

We are proud to partner with Safeway for two reasons: their commitment to supporting local suppliers, and their commitment to high quality goods.

What’s next for you and Cornerstone Acres Ltd?

Going into the 2019 growing season, we are excited to supply many more stores in the Edmonton area. We hope to eventually supply all the stores in the province of Alberta.


Take a stroll through the produce aisle and check out Cornerstone Acres Ltd. products on your next visit to an Edmonton Safeway store. Stay tuned to Safeway Talks for more local Safeway Supplier Spotlights!


May 1, 2019

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