Keeping you informed as bargaining continues

We returned to the bargaining table this week to resume discussions with UFCW 401. As one Safeway team, we’re dedicated to keeping you up-to-date with accurate information as bargaining continues.

From the very beginning, we’ve been clear about our areas of focus: securing a strong future for Safeway, and introducing FreshCo to the Alberta Market to better meet customer preferences. Strengthening our Safeway stores and introducing FreshCo to Alberta are necessary to make our company stronger and more competitive. We continue to be clear on the Company’s goals and will keep doing what’s right to make sure our employees, our stores and our company are successful.

This week’s labour discussions largely focused on the recent closure announcement of Southland Crossing Safeway. We openly discussed the process for relocating employees and reiterated our ongoing commitment to providing support for those impacted.

Later in June, the Union has agreed to join us for an overview presentation of the FreshCo discount experience to further understand why introducing it to the right markets in Alberta is so important to our business.

As negotiations continue, we’re committed to achieving fair agreements and are hopeful that the union will stay focused and dedicated in upcoming discussions. You can count on the Safeway bargaining committee to be at the table, ready to negotiate an agreement that will secure a strong future for us all.

We’ve seen progress in our Alberta Safeway stores, but there’s still more to do to win back our customers. We know that we can get it done, but not without your shared passion for Safeway and continued teamwork. Thank you for all that you do in our stores.

We will continue to share updates as negotiations progress.


May 25, 2019

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