Post-vote update: Where are we now?

Thank you for continuing to support one another and upholding our commitment to customers through what we know has been a challenging time. Transparency is just as important as ever, and we want to provide you with an update on where we stand in the negotiation process.

On Monday, UFCW 401 confirmed a positive strike vote. Forty four percent of eligible employees participated in the vote. This means that the Union received the votes needed to begin the legally-required 72-hour notice period ahead of a strike. As a result, we have taken the similar, legally-required step necessary to ensure that should the Union enact a strike, we will be in a position to issue a lockout notice.

While both the Company and UFCW 401 have taken action to prepare for a potential labour disruption, both parties have expressed an interest in working together towards an agreed upon settlement. However, we are still concerned by the Union’s decision to end mediation and take a strike vote. These actions have made it increasingly more difficult to work towards this shared goal.  Despite these concerns, Safeway’s bargaining team is ready to meet with the Union and resume bargaining as early as mid-July.

Our commitment to you and the future of Safeway in Alberta has not changed, and in order for us to reach a competitive collective agreement, the Union and its bargaining committee must acknowledge Alberta’s troubling economic climate and the need to set Safeway up for long term growth. The next few years are critical to our shared success and we will continue to standby our unwavering commitment to building a strong future for all of us.

We will continue to examine our options and will always provide accurate updates as they become available.

July 3, 2020

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